A selection of oil paintings by Elgin fine artist Nick Freeman.
Capturing the Moment showcases Freeman’s life-long interest in bringing to life the people, places and things that embody the fleeting and the timeless.
Nick Freeman Artist’s Biography
I’ve been painting for nearly 60 years and hope to start seeing some improvement
I grew up in the Chicago area and eventually found my way to Elgin in 2018. I’m
married and have three children.
After high school, I did hard time at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and, despite their best efforts, managed
to retain my commitment to representational art and traditional painting methods.
Meanwhile, I settled into a long ride as a production director at a prominent Chicago ad agency.
Now, I paint. I enjoy the challenges of landscapes, portraits and scenes of everyday life- a rather eclectic mix.
More of my work is on view at galleryfreeman.com