Elgin History Museum

This page is dedicated to archival information related to families and/or individuals who, lived and worked in Elgin that are noted in Elgin History Museum archives. The Museum has an extensive collection of documents related to Elgin covering a time period from the late 19th century to the first half of the twentieth century. With staff assistance this collection of letters, books, maps, and ephemera about buildings, property, businesses and people of Elgin can be researched. For genealogical research we recommend contacting the Elgin Genealogical Society. The PDF documents correlate to boxes in our archives. Please note who you are looking for and what box, if noted, it is listed in. This will help when speaking with one of our research staff to be able quickly find what you need. Please click on the pictures below to access the archival lists we have available as downloadable PDFs.


Elginites List (Abbott – Zavara)

Elginites (Urie & Wilcox Family)